Industry News
HAB Board Leadership Development Program Accepting Applications
The Hass Avocado Board is currently accepting applications for its Board Leadership Development program. This year-long program provides leadership training that helps participants become effective industry advocates and prepare to serve on boards within the avocado and agricultural sector.
Upcoming CAC Field Day: Irrigation and Nutrition Management Plans, Common Pests and Pruning
CAC's winter grower field day will focus on the new mandatory guidelines for Irrigation and Nutrition Management Plans, review common pests and include pruning demonstrations.
Call for California avocado growers to petition USDA to fully restore its inspection of avocados from Mexico
CAC is calling on growers to sign a petition urging the USDA to fully restore its inspection of avocados from Mexico. Since USDA unilaterally downgraded its inspection obligations by shifting orchard inspections to Mexico, detections of stem and seed weevils in packing facilities increased with APHIS acknowledging “the number of recent interceptions is notable given the infrequency of such...
California Avocado Pre-season Crop Estimate and Harvest Projections Report Available
The California Avocado Commission’s pre-season crop estimate survey has been completed. The data have been compiled into the CAC Pre-season Crop Estimate and Harvest Projections report, which is now available online. The report is based on survey responses submitted in late December/early January from eight AMRIC handlers.
San Diego County Growers Encouraged to Complete Crop Report Questionnaire
The 2024 Crop Report Questionnaire for San Diego County will be mailed to growers in early January. California avocado growers in this region are encouraged to complete the form as it provides important data for the San Diego Crop Statistics and Annual Report. Crop data collected include crops grown, yield and gross value.
Marketing Assistance Available for Specialty Crop Producers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency’s Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops program is accepting applications from December 10, 2024 through January 8, 2025. An informative webinar is being hosted December 10.
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