Industry News
Pine Tree Ranch Grower Field Day — Winter Prep and Crop Estimating
The California Avocado Commission will be hosting a grower field day at Pine Tree Ranch on Wednesday, November 6 at 9:00 a.m. Dr. Ben Faber, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, and Dr. Danny Klittich, Director of Agronomy at Mission Produce, will lead a discussion on frost protection and cold weather preparations. CAC staff and Wayne Brydon, Grower Manager at Del Rey Avocados, will discuss...
Avocado Release Dates for the 2024-25 Season Available
On October 3, the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Avocado Inspection Program announced the avocado release dates for the upcoming season.
Ambrosia Beetle Research Project Seeks California Avocado Groves to Survey
Dr. Paul Rugman-Jones is collaborating with University of Florida researchers on a project called, "Sustaining avocado production in the face of the lethal laurel wilt disease". As part of this project, he is looking to survey California avocado groves located in Ventura, San Diego and Riverside/San Bernardino Counties.
CUSP Drought Relief Grants Available
The Community Alliance with Family Farmers is accepting applications for the California Underserved and Small Producer Drought Relief Grant Program. The CUSP program provides grants up to $20,000 to reimburse producers for drought-related losses and expenses that occurred within the last three years.
California Avocado Society 2024 Annual Meeting to be Held in October
The California Avocado Society will host its Annual Meeting on October 25 in Pala, California. The event will cover a wide range of topics of interest to California avocado growers.
Industry Alert — Call to Action
The California Avocado Commission urges growers to take action in response to the USDA's unllateral decision to no longer use APHIS inspectors in Mexico. Learn more.