Growing News
Online Weed Control User Tool Outlines Non-chemical Approaches
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources has created an online Weed Control User Tool to assist the agricultural industry in managing invasive plants. The webpage outlines a variety of available options for situations when herbicides are not allowed or desired.
Avocado Sunblotch Viroid Seminar to be Held in September
On September 13, a seminar entitled “Unlock the Secrets to Healthy Avocados: Learn About Avocado Sunblotch Viroid” will be hosted by the California Avocado Commission and the University of California -Riverside.
CIMIS Program Looking for Grower Cooperators in Temecula
The California Irrigation Management Information System is seeking a grower cooperator for a new weather station in the Temecula area. The current station in Temecula, CIMIS Station 62, has been taken offline due to nearby construction and lack of grass surrounding the existing weather station.
Queensland Fruit Fly Eradication Program Completed
On July 30, the U.S. Department of Food and Agriculture announced the Queensland Fruit Fly Eradication Program in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County had been completed.
Comprehensive California Avocado Field Day to Be Held at Pine Tree Ranch
On August 22, the California Avocado Society will host a “Planting Density/technique, Entomology, Pathology, New Rootstocks/Scions” field day at Pine Tree Ranch. The field day will cover root rot, pollination, new avocado varieties, avocado sunblotch viroid and avocado leaf roller/miner.
2024 California Avocado Crop Update
As California avocado harvest rates continue to exceed early and mid-season projections, the California Avocado Commission has engaged with industry stakeholders to better understand the volume of fruit that remains to be harvested. The consensus from these discussions is that the total 2024 California crop volume will exceed 300 million pounds.