Image In This Issue California Avocados Perform Well Despite Tumultuous Year Reaching Targeted Consumers Through Creative Media and Social Avocado Establishment & Production Costs & Profitability Analysis in High Density Plantings Telling the California Avocado Story Through Videos Commission Highlights Environmental Contributions of California Avocado Groves USDA Announces Pandemic Assistance for Producers Program Smaller Crop Should Produce Better Pricing The Latest on Laurel Wilt CAC Releases Updated 2021 Crop Volume and Harvest Projections Message from the President Avocados Help Diversify Mellano & Co. 2020 California Avocado Tracking Study Highlights GEM Avocado Fruit Scarring Causes and Preventive Measures Introducing the New California Avocado Consumer Ad Campaign 2020 California Avocado Acreage Update Statewide Grower Referendum Affirms Continuation of California Avocado Commission Chairman's Report SubscribeCalifornia avocado industry members interested in subscribing to From the Grove should contact April Aymami, CAC Industry Affairs DirectorContact April